Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Be Followable Today

A colleague, Dan Metzger, writes a blog called Being Followable and the title has really been rolling around my heart the past few weeks approaching Election Day.

For a Christ-follower the goal is not the election of "our" candidate (if there is such a thing) - it is most certainly not about bashing others with whom we don't agree. 

The most important thing I can do today is live a life that others can follow to find Jesus. Most  unchurched people I know don't have as much problem with the Church as they do with churched people who don't act like Jesus. Be followable.

Today I want to live a life that makes it hard for people to go to hell; to live in such a way that people can find Jesus in me.

This past Sunday I said: "Should the election of anyone shake the faith of a Christ-follower?" I don't think so because our trust and faith are not in any human being.

Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
Psalm 146:3 "Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save."
So today I will vote. And then I will seek to live in such a way that the name of Jesus is glorified. I will not spend my time villifying someone with whom I disagree politically.

Someone asked me the other day if I was a Republican or a Democrat. My reply was simple: "Nobody at Cornerstone knows that because it's not the most important thing to know. I serve Democrats and Republicans and Independents. Together we're seeking to serve Jesus."

I can be concerned. I can be confused. I can be upset or disappointed. I can believe that our country is going in the right or wrong direction. I can be overjoyed. I can be excited about the future or feel like I stand on shifting sands of uncertainty. None of it matters. All of it is temporal. None of it is eternal.

I look forward to gathering with donkeys and elephants on the last Ark. We'll get to spend it together because the last time I checked, it wasn't red or blue, donkey or elephant that might separate us from God. The only thing that matters is a personal relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord. 

I'm not arrogant enough to think that everything I believe is exactly correct. I seek to live out God's Word in my daily life, extending His Kingdom and being Jesus to those around me. One day God will probably say to me: "Jeff, you made an inconsequential idea central to what you believed. You made a mountain out of a molehill."

So today, be followable. Make it easy for people to believe in Jesus no matter what you believe politically. And pray for our country, that our leaders will have wisdom and strength to lead us.

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