Sunday, August 24, 2014

3 Questions for Each Day

It's easy to waste a day. A few minutes in front of the TV turns into hours. Angry Birds takes your attention and before you know it, the greater part of a day is gone. An addiction calls to you. Instead of calling in your support network, you battle it on your own, knowing it's a losing battle. Pretty soon, a day is gone.

Asking questions has made me a better leader, listener and mentor. I've become a better teacher, friend and husband. I've learned to ask some questions to help give focus to my days. These questions at the end of a day brings anticipation and expectation to the next day for me.

1 Did I make a difference today? Every day I have a chance to make a difference in someone's life - probably several someone's if I'm paying attention. The question could also be asked: "Did I help someone today?" Making a difference is not an option for me. God gifts each of us with human talents and Christ followers have the added impact of spiritual gifts. Using them to make a difference isn't optional.

2 Did I help someone smile today? It's really easy to make someone smile. Smile at them first. Do something nice for them. Hold a door. Wait patiently in line. Say, "No worries" when a waitress is flustered by too many tables. Be generous with compliments because everyone will smile when complimented (well, most people).

3 Did I learn something today? I'm a learner so this is something that keeps me at my best. One of the practices that helps me learn is journaling, blogging or some kind of writing.
   Reflecting on my day helps me see where God was active and where I may have missed Him. If I can see what I learned one day, it drives me to pay attention the next day.

How do you stay focused? What keeps you learning and growing?

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